Voyeurism on Holiday – P2

It was the perfect place to start our little fun. I let her get a little ahead of me so I could see if it would work. As she got about 10 steps up from me, Boom! There it was. Her smooth soft ass was in view, and you didn’t have to bend down to see it either. When I told her this, she became excited and said she couldn’t wait for someone to approach the steps. Well she didn’t have to wait long as a couple approached. She had not ever showed herself to a lady before, but she had said before if the chance came about, she would just to see their reaction.

As she stood there and they started up past me, I saw the lady elbow the guy as they looked up. Maria had bent over to adjust the strap on her sandal and had just about her entire butt had come into view. It was a beautiful sight to see. She knew they had seen her and told me later that she had almost cum as they walked past her and the lady smiling at her.

With them gone, we sat down to figure where in this huge park we would go next. As we pondered which way to go, a young guy, probably in his 20’s approached the bottom of the steps. All I said was “open them” and she looked and saw him and knew exactly what I meant. As he started up, she opened her legs as far as she dared not knowing if he had seen her. As he got closer, and she saw that he was looking right between her legs, she leaned over to whisper in my ear. She was so excited and as she told me this, opened her legs even wider to give him a complete unobstructed view of her now soaking wet pussy. As he got within a few steps of her, she looked into his eyes and smiled at him as he walked past her

Now, she was not only excited, she wanted to get fucked. Her mind was racing trying to decide where we could go so I could do the dirty. “Not so fast” I said. I want to make this last for awhile longer.

As we reached the visitor’s center and went inside, we looked around and noticed a presentation already in process with the lights down real low. There were plenty of seats around so we picked one near the back. As we sat there for a while listening, I got the urge to finger her. She felt my hand as it rubbed her thigh and spread her legs for me. When I reached her pussy, I couldn’t believe how wet she was. She leaned over and begged me to rub her clit till she came .I was more than glad to do it for her. As I started rubbing her faster and faster, she grabbed my arm and started moaning softly. I knew she was close and said let’s go and took her by the arm and out we went.

As we got outside, she asked why I stopped. I told her I wasn’t finished with her yet. I had an idea and couldn’t wait.

As I looked around I noticed a train engine sitting there for people to look at. When we got to it, I took several pictures of her as she lifted her skirt enough for her sexy butt to be exposed and that’s when I saw it. The perfect place for my idea.

Voyeurism on Holiday – P1

She sat there, wet in anticipation of what was about to unfold. Not knowing who or when would come by.

With summer here, and hot days upon us, Maria couldn’t wait to get to our destination. We had been waiting all year for this day, and it had finally arrived.

For those of you in Virginia, you proberly know about Brown’s Island in Richmond. With its hills and spacious area, it was the perfect place to go have our fun. She had picked her short brown skirt, with no panties of course and sandals. That morning before we had left home, she had painted her nails bright red (my favorite) and had shaved herself smooth except for a small patch above her sweet pussy. With her slight tan, and auburn hair, she looked radiant.

As we exited off the main road, you could look below and see the island. There were people every where. Maria started to get a little nervous as we went around the hills and curves to find a parking space. She always gets this way when we go out on these trips and today was no exception.

As we parked in one of the parking lots and were getting ready to get out, a van pulled in beside us and out stepped a gentleman proberly in his 30’s or 40’s. Maria looked at him, and said we should follow him.

As it turned out, he stopped behind his van to unload and when Maria saw this she exited the car and turned around as if picking up something in the floor. Her skirt was short enough so when she did this, her butt would become completely visible. I could see out the corner of my eye that she had gotten his attention and when I told her so, she leaned further and raised up her left leg, swinging it high in the air. She didn’t let it stay this way long, but it was long enough for him to get a very unobstructed view of her freshly shaven area.
She smiled at me and said she was so wet. She could almost feel the wetness running down her thigh. As I got out, the guy was finishing up getting his stuff and seemed to lag behind as if waiting for us to leave.

Off we went, arm in arm heading to one of many walkways. The place has cannons every where and Maria couldn’t resist having her picture taken by one of them. She wanted to get on it to have a very sexy picture take, but we saw a family coming with kids, so we backed down.

We were looking at one of the plaques when Maria noticed the large and steep set of steps heading towards the visitor’s center. She grabbed my arm and said, to come on.